European Investment Bank is EU's Mickey Mouse bank - Godfrey Bloom MEP UKIP MEPs 1:57 13 years ago 8 389 Далее Скачать
EIB report is an astonishing reflection of EU anti-American sentiment - David Coburn MEP Brexit Party MEPs 1:46 5 years ago 1 081 Далее Скачать
DIANE JAMES EXPOSES EIB (EU BANK), JUNCKER FUND, ALLEGED FRAUD, UKRAIN INVOLVEMENT - 07.02.2018 Dr Watson 1:26 6 years ago 4 915 Далее Скачать
UK's £39bln EIB shareholding must not be diluted with politicised demands - William Dartmouth MEP Brexit Party MEPs 1:19 5 years ago 815 Далее Скачать
EIB: We haven't discussed the fact that Britain is owed £35bln - David Coburn MEP UKIP MEPs 0:38 6 years ago 614 Далее Скачать
European Investment Bank a direct financial cost to EU taxpayer UKIP MEPs 1:03 13 years ago 1 177 Далее Скачать
The European Investment Bank must take Brexit into account - David Coburn MEP UKIP MEPs 1:39 7 years ago 797 Далее Скачать
Why is freedom important? | LibertyCon 2023 | Lisbon Institute of Economic Affairs 10:42 1 year ago 2 873 Далее Скачать
🇪🇺📖What is the future of Europe? – The vision and the path European Investment Bank 0:44 4 years ago 442 Далее Скачать
European Investment Bank must not be run as EU foreign policy instrument William Dartmouth MEP 7:34 8 years ago 25 Далее Скачать
Discover what the European Investment Bank is working on in East Africa and Kenya ESI Africa 5:49 1 year ago 276 Далее Скачать
European Investment Bank mucking about in London - David Coburn MEP UKIP MEPs 1:52 6 years ago 591 Далее Скачать
Taxpayers to guarantee European Investment Banks's projects outside the EU - William Dartmouth MEP UKIP MEPs 1:20 13 years ago 239 Далее Скачать
European Investment Bank: British taxpayers money funding jobs worldwide - Jane Collins MEP UKIP MEPs 2:25 8 years ago 876 Далее Скачать